Do I realize that it’s February and I’m just barely posting what I resolve to do this year? Yes.
But better late than never.
I Resolve
Here and Now
While the song “I Resolve” from She Loves Me doesn’t EXACTLY pertain to my resolutions this year. Anytime I find a topic that I can use a broadway song for, I usually want to use it. For 2018, I did try to make some new resolutions and goals. Some are stretch goals, while others are a little bit more attainable. Read More
This past weekend I’ve been feeling a bit nostalgic for a time when I used to write a lot more stories. Each year for the past few years I’ve participated in National Novel Writing Month, but haven’t completed it for a few years. The participating is what I enjoy about NaNo. I enjoy writing with a group of people who when I need a plot twist or a prompt I can simply ask the person next to me and they are more than willing to help. And most importantly I enjoy building a story from the ground up and seeing where the characters lead me (even if they refuse to listen to me sometimes).
I’ve been getting the story bug again (hopefully this means I’ll be participating in Flash Fic Wednesday again). I’ve set a goal to write a small 200-600 word short story twice a month, and I’ve even bought a book called “Complete The Story“.
This is a short story that I wrote about 4 years ago and posted on one of my very old blogs.I realized I never cross posted it here and felt like sharing it again out of pure nostalgia. It’s actually one of my favorite things I’ve ever written.
Has anyone ever tried bullet journaling? One of my friends wants to try it, and as I’ve been looking into it, it seems rather interesting. I decided to troll through Pinterest in an effort to find out more about it.
BOY! Did I discover a lot about Bullet Journaling!
Feel free to follow this board to see what ideas I come up with and/or find!
First thing I noticed is: it’s basically an art form. Like seriously, some of the things people put into these journals are works of art! With pretty ribbons, and crazy amounts of organization! I’m really impressed with some things that I’ve seen. A lot of the organization of everything reminds me of what I’ve seen of Passion Planners which my friend Christa over at ObsessiveGirlFan swears by! So here’s my question, if I combine the two, and make a Passion Planner part of my bullet journaling, do I level up in my organization skills?
My next step, after seeing a VERY general idea (*salutes* General Idea!) of how to accomplish bullet journaling was to FIND a journal. Here’s the thing, I’m a bit picky sometimes when it comes to what I carry around with me on a daily basis. My Supernatural Purse was something I poured my heart into, I always have my phone, my iPad and a book in my purse, so if I was going to add some more stuff to it, I needed to figure out what I wanted added in my bad.
Then… I found this.
IT’S PERFECT FOR A BULLET JOURNAL! (click picture for affiliate link on where to find it)
GUYS! LOOK AT HOW PRETTY IT IS!!!! It’s so pretty and I want it!
With Bullet Journaling, it appears the best journals for it are ones that are unlined or just dots (most commonly in a Leuchtturm 1917 notebook). This Zelda one is unlined….. so that means I should get it right? Chances are for my first foray into bullet journaling, I’ll most likely go for a very standard Leuchtturm 1917 notebook, just until I know what I’m looking for.
Have you ever tried bullet journaling? What has worked for you? What hasn’t?
Almost a year ago I posted a review about Morgan Matson’s book Since You’ve Been Gone. After reading it I bought another one of her books called Amy and Roger’s Epic Detour, which sat in my library for months and months until recently, when I decided to sit down and read it.
Amy and Roger’s Epic Detour
Author: Morgan Matson
Amy Curry is not looking forward to her summer. Her mother decided to move across the country and now it’s Amy’s responsibility to get their car from California to Connecticut. The only problem is, since her father died in a car accident, she isn’t ready to get behind the wheel. Enter Roger. An old family friend, he also has to make the cross-country trip – and has plenty of baggage of his own. The road home may be unfamiliar – especially with their friendship venturing into uncharted territory – but together, Amy and Roger will figure out how to map their way.
From online entertainment pioneer, actress, and “queen of the geeks” Felicia Day, You’re Never Weird on the Internet (Almost) is a “relentlessly funny and surprisingly inspirational” (, memoir about her unusual upbringing, her rise to internet stardom, and embracing her weirdness to find her place in the world.
When Felicia Day was a girl, all she wanted was to connect with other kids (desperately). Growing up in the Deep South, where she was “home-schooled for hippie reasons,” she looked online to find her tribe. The internet was in its infancy and she became an early adopter at every stage of its growth—finding joy and unlikely friendships in the emerging digital world. Her relative isolation meant that she could pursue passions like gaming, calculus, and 1930’s detective novels without shame. Because she had no idea how “uncool” she really was.
But if it hadn’t been for her strange background— the awkwardness continued when she started college at sixteen, with Mom driving her to campus every day—she might never have had the naive confidence to forge her own path. Like when she graduated as valedictorian with a math degree and then headed to Hollywood to pursue a career in acting despite having zero contacts. Or when she tired of being typecast as the crazy cat-lady secretary and decided to create her own web series before people in show business understood that online video could be more than just cats chasing laser pointers.
Felicia’s rags-to-riches rise to internet fame launched her career as one of the most influential creators in new media. Ever candid, she opens up about the rough patches along the way, recounting battles with writer’s block, a full-blown gaming addiction, severe anxiety and depression—and how she reinvented herself when overachieving became overwhelming.
Showcasing Felicia’s “engaging and often hilarious voice” (USA TODAY), You’re Never Weird on the Internet (Almost) is proof that everyone should celebrate what makes them different and be brave enough to share it with the world, because anything is possible now—even for a digital misfit. (from Goodreads)
(I tried to keep this as spoiler free as possible…)
I grew up watching episodes of Full House, but aside from having a mild crush on Uncle Jesse, I don’t remember much of the series itself. What happened to Danny’s wife? Exactly how long the show was on? I recall that later I found out that the guy who played Steve, also did the voice of Aladdin. And that somehow Ted Mosby grows up to be Danny Tanner (which is a surprisingly accurate connection I hadn’t thought about until this moment). Even though I didn’t remember any exact story lines, I did remember that it made me laugh and it made me happy to watch, so when Netflix said they were doing a reboot (for lack of a better word) I was skeptical. It seems that a lot of shows and networks are hitting us Millennials hard in the nostalgia bone lately, and it is WORKING.
February has been a hard month for me. After getting some pretty emotional news at the beginning of the month it’s thrown me into a terrible funk. I’ve been working through this news and have finally started feeling more like myself. The funk is finally on it’s way out of my system and as such it is time to catch up with you!
♪ On the Fourth Day of Geekmas, my fandom gave to me… ♪
Four Crystal Gems
Confession: I’ve never seen Steven Universe. It’s something that is on my list. I kept this on my 12 Days of Geekmas because I want to know how this fandom has affected YOU!
So let me know, what has this fandom given to you?
If you don’t know what this is, check out the intro post here. Feel free to join any time for any of the posts.
I’m so excited for everyone to participate and I can’t wait to see what these fandoms have given you! If you’re participating in the link up, post the link to your post in the link below!
Be sure to follow #12DaysofGeekmas and me (@NerdyAlerty) I’ll be retweeting/reblogging any posts participating!
Whenever I’m away for a bit of time I always feel the need to apologize for not posting. But here’s the thing, life happens and sometimes I can’t fit blogging into that life (despite my efforts). The past few weeks has been busy with The Husband’s birthday and the beginning of my holiday gift shopping. I’ve had little time to actually sit down and just write.
This problem does not bode well for the upcoming month… National Novel Writing Month. For the past few years I’ve participated in this in an effort to force myself to write and do it for me. The first two years I finished writing the 50,000 word cap within the 30 days. The years after, I was not as focused and thus did not finish.
Despite not finishing the past few years I’m going to continue to try. I have a vague idea of what I want to write, but I’m not sure where to start (isn’t that always the case?). So instead, I’ve spent the past few days drafting some character sheets and making a novel “vision board” on Pinterest to hopefully keep me inspired during those days of limited inspiration.
Aside from a vision board (I know it sounds cheesy, but it totally works sometimes), I have a few staples in my how to survive NaNoWriMo aresenal.
Go to Local Write Ins (when able)
I find the best place for me to write is at the local write ins with my fellow NaNoers. I’ll credit my success from the first few years to that. By going to write ins all the time i realized how nice it was to be surrounded by others who were on the same crazy ride I was.
If no write ins are in your area, start your own! Pick a coffee shop, advertise it on the message boards and enjoy.
Find a playlist
I’m personally a fan of movie/television/video game scores. I’m particularly attached to the scores from The Holiday by Hans Zimmer, Percy Jackson and the Lightning Theif by Christophe Beck, and P.S. I Love You by John Powell
Drink a lot of water (caffeine helps too, but mostly water)
I’ve been slowly trying to train myself to drink more water and find that I write a bit better when I have less caffeine and more hydration running through my body.
Don’t beat yourself up
NaNo is both a marathon and a sprint. But don’t beat yourself up if you don’t work up to for 1,667 words per day. There are days that you have 500 words and days where you write 4,000. Eventually it evens out a bit.
The past few years I’ve also designed a few calendars to track you progress, despite not having one for this year, the dates and word count are still correct, even if where that date falls in the week is not.
If you’re participating in NaNo this year, feel free to add me as a writing buddy!
My Funko collection is growing. Basically anytime any of my favorite stores have sales, I end up buying a good handful (probably more than I should) of new Pops to add.
A few weeks ago, I swung by FYE and picked up a Dancing Groot Pop [Affiliate Link] and a Crowley Pop[Affiliate Link]. I was excited to finally start expanding my Supernatural collection. I got home and set the figures down only to get distracted for a couple days before I could pull them out. After tossing the bag and setting the boxes on my desk I went about my day organizing my shelves to make room for the newest additions. I was admiring the box and laughed when I noticed that in the picture, Crowley is holding a glass of something, but I couldn’t remember seeing that on the figure itself. After a moment I realized the reason that I didn’t notice it at first was because the figure I picked up, DIDN’T HAVE A HAND! Having already thrown away the receipt I didn’t know what to do. While I’m sure that some stores will exchange it, I wasn’t sure if with it being broken that I could return it. So instead, I decided to use this mishap to make something silly.
A short (and probably poorly thought out) story about how Crowley could have lost his hand.