♪ On the Fourth Day of Geekmas, my fandom gave to me… ♪
Four Crystal Gems
Confession: I’ve never seen Steven Universe. It’s something that is on my list. I kept this on my 12 Days of Geekmas because I want to know how this fandom has affected YOU!
So let me know, what has this fandom given to you?
Three Charmed Sisters
Two Jumping Plumbers
and One Ring to Rule Them All!
If you don’t know what this is, check out the intro post here. Feel free to join any time for any of the posts.
I’m so excited for everyone to participate and I can’t wait to see what these fandoms have given you! If you’re participating in the link up, post the link to your post in the link below!
Be sure to follow #12DaysofGeekmas and me (@NerdyAlerty) I’ll be retweeting/reblogging any posts participating!