♪ On the First Day of Geekmas, my fandom gave to me… ♪
One Ring to Rule Them All!

Lord of the Rings was one of the first movies that I ever remember analyzing. I never read the books, so I couldn’t over analyze it like I could with Harry Potter, but it was the first movie that I ever watched the special features of. Most movies I had watched the bloopers or deleted scenes, but never the interviews of featurettes. I became obsessed with featurettes after this movie. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched the featurettes of these movies. Enough to quote 70% of the interviews. After watching the featurettes,I would go back and watch the movie again and see what things I could pick out about how it was filmed or how the battles were choreographed. This initiated my adoration of special features.
In addition to that, Fellowship of the Ring was also one of the first and only movies I actually remember seeing multiple times. My friends and I would go the the discount theater in the mid afternoon and literally watch that movie until they closed (at least twice a weekend for 2 months). I can quote that movie from beginning to end adding the commentary my friends and I did (which we thought was HILARIOUS at the time, but probably just made the other patrons mad) without missing a beat.
What has this fandom given to you?
If you don’t know what this is, check out the intro post here. Feel free to join any time for any of the posts.
I’m so excited for everyone to participate and I can’t wait to see what these fandoms have given you! If you’re participating in the link up, post the link to your post in the link below!
Be sure to follow #12DaysofGeekmas and me (@NerdyAlerty) I’ll be retweeting/reblogging any posts participating!