Gotta Catch ‘Em All: Derpemon!

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I’m always on the lookout for nerdy art. From Doctor Who Meets Disney to making my own Nerdcrafts, I like to collect and admire other people’s representations of their fandoms.

One of the things that my husband and I bonded over as we were dating and still well into our marriage is Pokemon. This silly tv show about collecting and evolving creatures has become a constant featured fandom in our lives. However, this is one of the only fandoms that is not displayed in some form on the walls of our house. Read More

Thursday and Thrilled: Quieting the Brain Noise


The past couple weeks have been a blur of running, fandoms, photo ops, and fast food. I have no one to blame but myself. This saturday marks the final event that I’ve had planned for the past few months and I can finally start to relax.

I’m pretty excited to start winding down in the fall and winter months, starting with these few things:

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Karen Hallion and The Doctor meets Disney

When I discover something and enjoy it, I have a tendency to fall head over heels in love with it. Be that a TV show, a fandom, or in this case, an artist.

I first discovered Karen Hallion when I saw her shirts come across on TeeFury a few years ago. The first one I saw was Ariel and the Doctor, and it was love at first sight. I dove deep into what other things she drew. I stalked her Etsy page and after reading her bio, I knew that she would be one of those artists I’d want to follow for a long while.

Click the picture to buy this print at her etsy store!
Click the picture to buy this print at her Etsy store!

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