Thursday and Thrilled: Fall is Coming


September is surprisingly one of the busiest months I’ve had in a long time. Coming up I have my Time-Lord 5k (I need to think of a shirt design for that soon), Salt Lake Comic Con, a Gamer 5k (where I’ll be sporting my Lakitu Costume), in addition to all of my amazing TV shows returning. It’s crazy and exhausting but by the end of it, it’ll be so much fun!

Despite all the busyness, I’m still pretty excited about a couple things!

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Geek Girl Brunch: Salt Lake City Chapter

What the frak is Geek Girl Brunch?
Geek Girl Brunch is an organization started in New York City where a group of fantastic ladies decided to get together for brunch to talk about all things geek. This simple idea has launched chapters all over the WORLD (for real! There are chapters all over!) for other ladies to gather for drinks, brunch and a safe and fun space to discuss geeky and girly things.

Not only do I think that this is an amazing group for geek girls to get to know other geek girls, and I also think that everyone should look into to see if there is an active chapter near them, but finally, I recently volunteered as one of the officers for the Salt Lake City chapter! Me and two other amazing ladies are working on getting everything ready for our chapter launch.


If you’re in the Salt Lake City area please go here and join (even if you’re not, go there to find your local chapter!). You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Things are still getting off the ground for it, so there isn’t a ton of activity, but it’s going to be the best place for new information. For those not in my area, any signal boosting you can do to help us find more members is greatly appreciated! It’ll give you all sorts of good karma!

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Six on Six: September

What the frak is Six on Six?
A little while ago Scruffy-Little Nerf Herder started a monthly photo challenge to showcase geeky things around your house that correspond to that month’s color.

I didn’t know this was a thing until I saw A Nerdy World‘s post this morning. With Purple being my favorite color I knew that I should participate… even if it is a bit late. 😉

This is a great way to continue to work on your photography skills and showcase your geekery!

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Lakitu Cosplay

Today I participated in my very first Cosplay competition. My local comic book store, appropriately named “The Nerd Store”, hosted it’s second annual cosplay competition. I’ve slowly been getting more and more into cosplay, I enjoy seeing how much effort other people put into their costumes and seeing how they take certain items to make an awesome costume.

When I signed up for it the other day I went in not wanting to “win” just wanting to see what the experience was like. What the people were like. And boy was my opinion changed. At first I was really nervous to go by myself. I knew that if I asked my cousin or something she would come with me, but I thought it’d be good to try and do it by myself so I could branch out a bit. This turned out the be really good for me.

I went dressed as a Lakitu. For those who don’t know (a lot of people didn’t at the competition) this is what a Lakitu is:


Isn’t he cute? I came up with the idea first when I was trying to come with something to wear to my video game themed 5k at the beginning of October. And when I think of racing video games, I think of Mario Kart. I had to narrow down what I wanted to wear and since I didn’t want to carry a huge kart with me everywhere, I went with the Lakitus. Immediately I knew I wanted the cloud the he swoops in on, to be a tutu. It just seemed like the easiest (and cutest) way to do it.

After purchasing an INSANE amount of tulle (I still have a ton left over) I sat down on my couch with a season of Psych and just tied it to a satin ribbon. I took it to work and tied it during lunch, I was tying this almost 3 days straight before it was done and looked full enough.


The rest of the costume was pretty simple. I bought some Aviator goggles as well as a Ninja Turtle shell from Amazon. Then bought a dowl, some plywood and twine to make the “Final Lap” sign.


Overall the best part about this wasn’t the competition itself, but meeting people who were just as into stuff as I was. After the winners were announced we went back to the store and just talked. A handful of us wanted to keep talking, so we went to Chili’s for lunch. In our costumes. A Lakitu, Ariel, Captain America, Starlord, Black Widow, Green Lantern and the Joker just bonding over chips and dressing up.

I wasn’t expecting to win, and I didn’t. But that was okay. I really just wanted to experience it, and now I’m hooked.


Ninja Turtle Shell : Amazon
Aviator Goggles: Amazon
Tutu: made by me
Sign: made by me

As a newbie to cosplay I would love any pointers on how to become better. Pattern suggestions and so forth are welcome!

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I’d Like to Thank the Academy! [Liebster Award]

Or in this case the AMAZING Mandy over at A Nerdy World nominated me for a Liebster award. I am always really bad at responding to these but I’m trying my best to be better about it. So thank you SOOOOO much Mandy (if you don’t follow her, you should. She’s the greatest). <3

liebsterawardWhat is the Liebster Award? You may ask?

The Liebster Award is given to bloggers with relatively small followings by bloggers with relatively small followings to show their love for each other. The award both helps readers get to know the recipient a little better (through the Q&A) and introduces readers to blogs they might never have heard of (through the nominations).

For the most part the rules change from person to person. But I’m just going to copy Mandy’s rules because they seem pretty basic and simple:

  • Link back to who nominated you.
  • Answer their fun questions.
  • Nominate 11 other bloggers that have less than 200 followers.*
  • Create 11 questions to ask them.
  • Notify your nominees.
    *Similar to Mandy, I feel like keeping track of who follows me is just going to drive me insane with what I “should” be doing to get more followers, instead of writing what I want and hoping other people like it.

So here are my questions from Mandy!

  1. Who’s your favorite celebrity to follow on Instagram? I’m probably going to have to go with Ashley Clements from Lizzie Bennet Diaries (haven’t watched it? DO IT NOW!!!). Because she posts an incredible amount of pictures of her cats and never misses a caturday post.
  2. If you could visit any point in time—past or future—where would you go? I’d like to be a fly on the wall while JK was writing Harry Potter. That would be kind of amazing to witness.
  3. What book’s world would you most like to live in? HARRY POTTER! Or, I’d love to be part of Cinder‘s crew
  4. Where are you from/where did you grow up? Born and raised in Utah. All over the valley, stayed within the same state.
  5. Do you prefer coffee or tea? Depends on how early I had to get up. XD If I have a morning meeting at 7am and had to get up at 5am then usually a caramel mocha from the local coffee shop. If its a day of reading and writing, a chai latte from the same coffee shop.
  6. What fashion type or item do you wish would come back in style? I’m not really the most fashionable. I’m not entirely unfashionable, I’ve just never really had anyone help me navigate the murky waters of the industry and styles for me… Did that answer the question? No? Crochet looking dusters?
  7. What’s your favorite color? Purple! I wear an insane amount of purple.
  8. Unpopular opinion time: What nerdy thing (show, book, fandom, etc.) do you just not understand? Walking Dead. I TRIED SO HARD!!! But Zombie’s just don’t do it for me.
  9. What finished book series would you like to see more books from? Meg Cabot’s Heather Wells Series. I’m not sure if she’s writing more or not, but I’d love to see more of Heather Wells and her shenanigans.
  10. Dogs or cats or … ?wicket EWOK KITTIES!!! (though I love all animals)
  11. What movie did you watch the most times in theaters? How many times did you see it? Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. My best friend and I went and saw that movie at LEAST once a weekend for the entire run it had in the dollar theater in our area. I think I saw it in the theater 14-17 times (to be fair, it was only $1 to go each time).

There are so many amazing bloggers out there right now so I’m going to nominate a lot of them. I know that a TON of you have been nominated before so if you’re too swamped to do this feel free to pass. I won’t take it personally! I’m pretty sure most (if not all) of you have over 200 followers, but there is a reason for that. BECAUSE YOU’RE AMAZING, so I’m gonna nominate you anyway!!!

| ObsessedGirlFanThe Nifty NerdGingerbread SagasNerdJoyMermaid Vision Books |
Adorkable MeXo_Mermaid Kisses  | Nerd in the City | Nerdette at Large | Seven Deadly Cynics | Synthpop Circus |

Okay! And my questions!!!

  1. What TV show do you miss the most?
  2. If you could swap places with a book character who would it be?
  3. What fandom do you most identify yourself with?
  4. Who shot first, Han or Greedo?
  5. Favorite Childhood Movie?
  6. What song do you turn up as loud as possible and just belt when it comes on?
  7. Would you rather go for a ride in the Impala with Sam and Dean, or in the TARDIS with the Doctor?
  8. Werewolves, Vampires, Banshee, or…?
  9. If you were a superhero, what would your symbol be?
  10. Favorite holiday?
  11. What is your comfort movie?

Thank you again for the award Mandy!

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Thursday and Thrilled: Trips to Another Time.

This week’s Thursday and Thrilled is brought to you by Period Dramas. Around this time of year (shortly after my birthday and right before fall really sets in), I get into this kick of watching copious amounts of literature inspired period dramas (or in some cases, webseries based on those pieces of literature). I’m not sure why, but the way they talk, the way they act just puts me in the most agreeable mood.

They’re always so romantic and sweet. I just can’t get enough of cuddling up with my cat (the husband won’t watch them without ensuring that I hear his “funny” commentary) and a cup of peppermint tea. So here are a few of my favorite period dramas* (and inspired by period drama) items this week!

*expect a lot of Jane Austen. #sorrynotsorry

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[Looking Forward to] Kingdom Hearts III

I’ve been waiting with bated breath for a long time for the new Kingdom Hearts game to come out.

Kingdom Hearts II was released in 2005, and while there have been several games released since that time (Coded, 358/2, Birth By Sleep, Dream Drop Distance and the ReMixes) they’ve almost all been released on portable devices instead of standing consoles. Everyone has been waiting for the next console game to be released. For TEN years we have been waiting and waiting thinking about how the next game was going to be.

The past few years have resulted in little to no news about the upcoming game. It’s been disappointing and a bit unfair to the fandom. However this year, has released more news than we’ve seen in a long time.

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[Be Kind, Rewind] Coyote Ugly

Have you ever had a movie that you remember adoring, then when you watch it again, you find yourself looking at the movie in a completely different light? Well I call this a “Be Kind; Rewind” kind of movie. I enjoy watching movies I haven’t watched in at least a year (usually more) and comparing what I remember of it, to what I thought about it immediately after watching.

bkrewind copy


Coyote Ugly

Starring: Piper Perabo, Adam Garcia, John Goodman and Maria Bello.
Rating: PG-13
Release Date: August 4th, 2000


Aspiring songwriter Violet Sanford, after getting a job at a women-run NYC bar that teases its male patrons, comes out of her shell. (from IMDB)

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