This week on 5 Fandom Friday, we talk about our Favorite Podcasts. I often listen to things on my way to work. Books and podcasts are the top of my list. Here are a couple of my favorite podcasts! Read More
5 Fandom Friday | Favorite Podcasts

This week on 5 Fandom Friday, we talk about our Favorite Podcasts. I often listen to things on my way to work. Books and podcasts are the top of my list. Here are a couple of my favorite podcasts! Read More
First let me thank @n_williams316 for suggesting this topic! I freaking love Broadway Musicals and so I knew I had to jump on it this week.
Without further ado: My Five Broadway Roles I’d Love to Play (if I had any acting talent whatsoever) Read More
I know it’s been a while since I’ve contributed to this, but I couldn’t pass up today’s topic. I admire a lot of geeks, I decided to keep this list to the entertainment industry. Read More
This week’s 5 Fandom Friday topic is Five Favorite Fathers. As I thought about this there were a few that immediately jumped to my head, and others that I had to think about. And even one that I’m not sure if it counts…but I’m going to count it.
This week’s 5 Fandom Friday topic is Five Fictional Characters I Most Identify With. I had to take a step back and really think about this. I tend to get overly attached to characters very quickly, and end up seeing a lot of myself in a lot of characters.
This week’s 5 Fandom Friday topic is Five Times I Totally Fangirled. It doesn’t take a lot for me to fangirl. Being in the same state as someone (which I frequently am, because apparently Utah is a prime place to film stuff… who knew?) makes me squeal. So here are the stand out Fangirl moments for me.
This week’s 5 Fandom Friday topic is My Comfort Films. Usually when I’m in need of comfort I’m more likely to turn to a TV series than a movie. But, on the occasion that a movie is what I need these are the ones I choose.
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This week’s 5 Fandom Friday topic is Fictional BFFs and OMG did I have a hard time narrowing it down. As someone who gets far too emotionally attached to fictional characters I tend to feel that every character is my BFF. To quote Mindy Lahiri: “Best Friend isn’t a person Danny, its a tier!” so to pick ONLY five was incredibly difficult. Read More