If you didn’t know, when Pottermore was first released I had a mild identity crisis. For years and years and YEARS I sorted myself (with the help of countless sorting quizzes) into Hufflepuff. Fast forward to September 2011 (OMG IT WAS THAT LONG AGO?!?!?) where young Anna sat at her computer and took the Pottermore Sorting Quiz for the first time and got sorted into… Read More
Showing all posts by Anna
Thursday and Thrilled: Back in the Habit!

I’m slowly getting back in the habit of blogging on a regular basis. I find at the beginning of the week, I have a harder time getting motivation, but once Wednesday and Thursday hit, I usually do a lot better.
Here are some things I’m thrilled about this week!
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Bullet Journaling: a Beginning
Has anyone ever tried bullet journaling? One of my friends wants to try it, and as I’ve been looking into it, it seems rather interesting. I decided to troll through Pinterest in an effort to find out more about it.
BOY! Did I discover a lot about Bullet Journaling!
Feel free to follow this board to see what ideas I come up with and/or find!
First thing I noticed is: it’s basically an art form. Like seriously, some of the things people put into these journals are works of art! With pretty ribbons, and crazy amounts of organization! I’m really impressed with some things that I’ve seen. A lot of the organization of everything reminds me of what I’ve seen of Passion Planners which my friend Christa over at ObsessiveGirlFan swears by! So here’s my question, if I combine the two, and make a Passion Planner part of my bullet journaling, do I level up in my organization skills?
My next step, after seeing a VERY general idea (*salutes* General Idea!) of how to accomplish bullet journaling was to FIND a journal. Here’s the thing, I’m a bit picky sometimes when it comes to what I carry around with me on a daily basis. My Supernatural Purse was something I poured my heart into, I always have my phone, my iPad and a book in my purse, so if I was going to add some more stuff to it, I needed to figure out what I wanted added in my bad.
Then… I found this.

GUYS! LOOK AT HOW PRETTY IT IS!!!! It’s so pretty and I want it!
With Bullet Journaling, it appears the best journals for it are ones that are unlined or just dots (most commonly in a Leuchtturm 1917 notebook). This Zelda one is unlined….. so that means I should get it right? Chances are for my first foray into bullet journaling, I’ll most likely go for a very standard Leuchtturm 1917 notebook, just until I know what I’m looking for.
Have you ever tried bullet journaling? What has worked for you? What hasn’t?

5 Fandom Friday | Favorite Podcasts

This week on 5 Fandom Friday, we talk about our Favorite Podcasts. I often listen to things on my way to work. Books and podcasts are the top of my list. Here are a couple of my favorite podcasts! Read More
Thursday and Thrilled: I’m Baaaaaack!!!

YAY! I’m back (for the most part), and so is Thursday and Thrilled. It’s Thursday and I have Zumba with one of my friends tonight, and I’ve been in a great mood lately! <3
Here are some other things I’m thrilled about, first and foremost:
Yes, the one you’re currently on. I’m really excited because it’s all brand new and shiny! I’m excited to see what comes of this site. 🙂 Read More
May Comic Book Swap!
You read that right, in May (I’m so late on this it’s not even funny any more) the amazing Stacey from Geeks and Lattes hosted a Comic Book swap on the Geek Girl Bloggers group! I don’t know how much I’ve talked about it yet, but I freaking love this group. They are so amazing and supportive and don’t make you feel dumb for asking questions about how they got their blog the way it is, it’s so amazing to be part of such an awesome group of ladies.
Anyway, this post was supposed to be up WEEKS ago, and I got distracted with creating a new site, and starting a new diet, and you know… life that I just kept putting it on the back burner. This is totally my bad, but I have to show you what I got!

Onto the COMICS!
A New Beginning, Same Nerd
This is a new beginning for me (A New Beginning, Same Nerd… get it?), but I didn’t want to forget where I started, so I brought all my posts with me! It took me far too long to come up with this title. I was torn for a really long time between this title or some lyrics from Jekyll and Hyde (the musical). This fit the theme a bit more.
Raise a glass to new beginnings!
Though I imported all of my posts from WordPress.com, this is my first official post on my brand new shiny site. I’m a little scared about taking this new step in my blogging universe, but I’m equally excited.

In January I talked about how I wanted to move to my own site, and after a couple months of researching and procrastinating (lets be real, it was mostly procrastinating), it’s finally here! It’s a bit minimal, but I love it just the same. Here you’ll find the same things you found on my previous blog, but with a newfound sense of purpose and a little bit more heart!
First up, a recap of the Comic Swap I did with my Geek Girls x Bloggers group!
I’m going to attempt to keep up with more of the weekly features I used to do (Thursday and Thrilled, Funko Friday and 5FF), while also trying to schedule some time to do some more monthly things. I will be returning to my Rewind articles again, I loved doing those. I also started a list of all the Funkos I own… not for any particular reason, I just wanted to.
But for now, I’m just making sure everything is in it’s proper spot and functions well. If you have any advice for a newbie in hosting, please send them my way! I’ll take all I can get.
What are some of the things you learned when switch to your very own hosted site?

[Books] Amy and Roger’s Epic Detour | Morgan Matson
![[Books] Amy and Roger’s Epic Detour | Morgan Matson](https://nerdyalerty.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/ared.png)
Almost a year ago I posted a review about Morgan Matson’s book Since You’ve Been Gone. After reading it I bought another one of her books called Amy and Roger’s Epic Detour, which sat in my library for months and months until recently, when I decided to sit down and read it.
Amy and Roger’s Epic Detour
Author: Morgan Matson
Amy Curry is not looking forward to her summer. Her mother decided to move across the country and now it’s Amy’s responsibility to get their car from California to Connecticut. The only problem is, since her father died in a car accident, she isn’t ready to get behind the wheel. Enter Roger. An old family friend, he also has to make the cross-country trip – and has plenty of baggage of his own. The road home may be unfamiliar – especially with their friendship venturing into uncharted territory – but together, Amy and Roger will figure out how to map their way.
Nerdify Your Workspace
In everyplace I’ve worked, I try my best to make my workspace my own (if I’m allowed). Recently, my company moved offices and now instead of sharing an office with my amazing girls I work with, I have my very own office. This is strange. I’ve never really had my own office and I don’t really know what to do with it.
So, I turned to the internet for guidance. I’ve found a couple of great ways to showcase your nerdiness in your workspace.
Art, Newb Cosplay and Osric Chau [Fan Xperience 2016]
This post is a LOT longer than I was anticipating…
Salt Lake Comic Con does two conventions a year. The main one usually takes place in September and is bigger and more intense. Whereas Fan Xperience usually takes place in the beginning of the year and more like “Comic Con Lite”. When people who have never been to a convention ask me which one to go to, I tell them FanX. It’s a bit less of an shock to the system.
This year during FanX was pretty light. I didn’t really plan anything and just kind of let things happen. Luckily, two of my very good friends were willing to pal around with me the whole time. There was two things I wanted to accomplish this con: Get through my photo-ops without pulling out my hair, and hit my 10,000 steps a day on my FitBit. Read More