Now Blog, Lets Get Personal: Something To Say

Do you ever sit looking at a blank screen WANTING to write something, but feeling like you have nothing to say? That has been me for the past few months. I’ve been searching for what to talk about and something to say for a while, but nothing comes out of my fingers.

I think this is a feeling everyone has at some point or another. Wanting to have something to say, but not knowing how to say it. Or feeling like the more you talk about it, the more annoying it is for those reading or listening. The biggest obstacle for me is feeling like no one cares about my news. I know that isn’t true most of the time, but when I talk about a big thing that happened recently, I feel like I’m being selfish.

But you know what?

Sometimes it’s okay to feel like you’re being selfish.

Because chances are, you’re not being as selfish as you feel.

Something to say - totally flexible

What do I feel like I’m being selfish about? A lot has changed the past few months. The biggest and most exciting is that the husband and I got custody of a 1 year old little boy. This has thrown our whole world upside down. He’s very sweet and super smart and I’m excited that in just a couple months we will be able to officially adopt him. Being a mom is something I’ve always wanted, and this little boy has made all that happen. This whole adoption process has been so emotionally, physically and financially draining. But every time that little goober claps or laughs, I know it will all be worth it.

As this change continues, I find myself rediscovering how to balance wife life, mom life, fandom life, blogger life, and work life. That’s a lot of lives for one person. It seems that the blogger life has be the one to suffer most. If y’all have any advice, I’ll gladly take it! 😉

With this new life to balance, I’m also trying to figure out where I want to take this blog. Will it be a nerd!mom blog? Maybe I’ll try my hand at some reviews or some nerd crafty how to’s. Whatever I decide to do here and whichever way I choose to go, I hope you’ll be patient and bear with me and stick with it. Sometimes its just time for something a little different.

Now that you know what’s been going on with me and the reason for the radio silence, drop a comment below and let me know what is happening in your life! I’d love to catch up a bit!

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Sunday Self-Love September

Sunday Self-Love
feel free to save this and use it should you choose to participate! 🙂

It’s the first post of Sunday Self-Love!

A few weeks ago, I sat in a panel at Salt Lake Comic Con with Tahmoh Penikett (if you thought I was done talking about SLCC after my last post, Nooooooooope!), who brought up his practices for remaining grounded. One of the things he brought up was his meditation practices. He spoke about how he works meditation into his daily routine regardless of what he’s doing that day and how it helps him keep his head and had helped him out of some dark places in his past. Read More

Introducing Sunday Self Love!

(The title “Self Love” sounds a lot dirtier than I mean for it to…)


Too frequently we get down on ourselves. We nit pick and poke at things about ourselves that only we see and tend to focus on the negative. To me, loving yourself is also one of the most difficult things to accomplish. It’s too easy for us to blind ourselves to what we’re good at or assume that it doesn’t matter that we’re good at that thing. These blinders, limit our capability to bloom in the areas we succeed. We don’t often get the chance to indulge in a little self love.

To combat this, on the third Sunday of every month (may turn into more often later), I’ll be posting about something that in the past month I have accomplished or improved about myself. This can be physically, intellectually, emotionally and even spiritually. This could even be something you did to treat yourself to something. Maybe a break down of an at home spa day, or even what you’ve done to let yourself decompress lately. Anything that allows you to show that it is perfectly okay to love yourself.

If you’d like to participate please do, feel free to post your link in my comments and use #SundaySelfLove on social media for me to share it!

feel free to save this and use it should you choose to participate! :)
feel free to save this and use it should you choose to participate! 🙂

Everyone deserves to feel good about their own accomplishments! And I personally would love to know what makes you feel good about yourself recently.

So go ahead, toot your own horn! 😉

(author note: literally every idea I had about showing self love sounded dirty. XD )

What is something you did recently that made you feel good about yourself?

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Yes Please!

I have a handful of friends who have talked about a word that they have chosen to be their word of the year. A word that will inspire their year and how they could be living it. Mandy of The True Ultimate Fangirl Offically wrote about hers here, Alice from The Geeky Burrow wrote about hers here, and Liz of Nerd in the City wrote about hers here.

I decided that I would go about 2016 a little bit different. My word, is actually a phrase.

Yes Please - Amy Poehler


This phrase is inspired by the AMAZING book by Amy Poehler [Affiliate Link]. I own this book in hardback, digitally and in audiobook (which I HIGHLY recommend). It sits on the shelf of my desk reminding me to say “Yes Please”. On any other day I just look at and am reminded about how much I love the book. But the other day I was looking at it and thought to myself “Why don’t I say ‘Yes’ to more things?”

I am that person who has to be forced through a door that I didn’t think was an option. I’m not exactly the most adventurous and so I’ve been stuck in my own grooves for a bit too long.

Now with this new found idea, I’m not saying I’ll be jumping out of airplanes or riding the The Cannibal, but I do want to try things I’ve never tried before. Saying “Yes Please” doesn’t mean I won’t ever be saying “No” this year. It just means that on things I normally would brush off, I’ll be actually thinking about why I’m saying no. Maybe the simple act of thinking why I’m saying no will help me say YES to more things. Of course all of this is within reason, but I’m hoping it’ll prove to be a pretty good year.

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Thursday and Thrilled: Save The Cheerleader, Run a 5k.

Thursday and Thrilled: Save The Cheerleader, Run a 5k.

Well I’ve been sick most of this week and thus I haven’t really had much to be excited about since after I get home from work I have just been going straight to sleep. BUT, there are a few things that I have gotten super excited about in my slightly drugged up state. Check out this week’s Thursday and Thrilled!

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NerdyAlerty: Origin Story

I saw this awesome Blogger Recognition Award on Like Gwen Stacy and thought it was a great idea! So since she tagged anyone who read it and wanted to do it, I decided to take my shot!

The award was created by Edge of Night and here are the rules:

  • Select 15 other blogs you want to give the award to. Do some digging if you must! Find those blogs. You cannot nominate yourself or the person who has nominated you.
  • Write a post to show off your award! Give a brief story of how your blog got started, and give a piece or two of advice to new bloggers. Thank whoever nominated you, and provide a link to their blog. List who you’ve nominated in the post. Make sure to also attach the award itself! (You can do this by right-clicking, saving, and uploading the image above).
  • Comment on each blog and let them know you’ve nominated them. Provide a link to the award post you created.
  • Provide a link to the original post on Edge of Night. That way, anyone can find the original guidelines and post if needed, and we can keep it from mutating and becoming confusing

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