I have a handful of friends who have talked about a word that they have chosen to be their word of the year. A word that will inspire their year and how they could be living it. Mandy of The True Ultimate Fangirl Offically wrote about hers here, Alice from The Geeky Burrow wrote about hers here, and Liz of Nerd in the City wrote about hers here.
I decided that I would go about 2016 a little bit different. My word, is actually a phrase.
This phrase is inspired by the AMAZING book by Amy Poehler [Affiliate Link]. I own this book in hardback, digitally and in audiobook (which I HIGHLY recommend). It sits on the shelf of my desk reminding me to say “Yes Please”. On any other day I just look at and am reminded about how much I love the book. But the other day I was looking at it and thought to myself “Why don’t I say ‘Yes’ to more things?”
I am that person who has to be forced through a door that I didn’t think was an option. I’m not exactly the most adventurous and so I’ve been stuck in my own grooves for a bit too long.
Now with this new found idea, I’m not saying I’ll be jumping out of airplanes or riding the The Cannibal, but I do want to try things I’ve never tried before. Saying “Yes Please” doesn’t mean I won’t ever be saying “No” this year. It just means that on things I normally would brush off, I’ll be actually thinking about why I’m saying no. Maybe the simple act of thinking why I’m saying no will help me say YES to more things. Of course all of this is within reason, but I’m hoping it’ll prove to be a pretty good year.