Do you ever sit looking at a blank screen WANTING to write something, but feeling like you have nothing to say? That has been me for the past few months. I’ve been searching for what to talk about and something to say for a while, but nothing comes out of my fingers.
I think this is a feeling everyone has at some point or another. Wanting to have something to say, but not knowing how to say it. Or feeling like the more you talk about it, the more annoying it is for those reading or listening. The biggest obstacle for me is feeling like no one cares about my news. I know that isn’t true most of the time, but when I talk about a big thing that happened recently, I feel like I’m being selfish.
But you know what?
Sometimes it’s okay to feel like you’re being selfish.
Because chances are, you’re not being as selfish as you feel.
What do I feel like I’m being selfish about? A lot has changed the past few months. The biggest and most exciting is that the husband and I got custody of a 1 year old little boy. This has thrown our whole world upside down. He’s very sweet and super smart and I’m excited that in just a couple months we will be able to officially adopt him. Being a mom is something I’ve always wanted, and this little boy has made all that happen. This whole adoption process has been so emotionally, physically and financially draining. But every time that little goober claps or laughs, I know it will all be worth it.
As this change continues, I find myself rediscovering how to balance wife life, mom life, fandom life, blogger life, and work life. That’s a lot of lives for one person. It seems that the blogger life has be the one to suffer most. If y’all have any advice, I’ll gladly take it! 😉
With this new life to balance, I’m also trying to figure out where I want to take this blog. Will it be a nerd!mom blog? Maybe I’ll try my hand at some reviews or some nerd crafty how to’s. Whatever I decide to do here and whichever way I choose to go, I hope you’ll be patient and bear with me and stick with it. Sometimes its just time for something a little different.
Now that you know what’s been going on with me and the reason for the radio silence, drop a comment below and let me know what is happening in your life! I’d love to catch up a bit!