If you didn’t know, when Pottermore was first released I had a mild identity crisis. For years and years and YEARS I sorted myself (with the help of countless sorting quizzes) into Hufflepuff. Fast forward to September 2011 (OMG IT WAS THAT LONG AGO?!?!?) where young Anna sat at her computer and took the Pottermore Sorting Quiz for the first time and got sorted into… Read More
Showing all posts in movies
Fifth Day of Geekmas: Five Lightsabers

First Day of Geekmas: One Ring to Rule Them All

♪ On the First Day of Geekmas, my fandom gave to me… ♪
One Ring to Rule Them All!

Lord of the Rings was one of the first movies that I ever remember analyzing. I never read the books, so I couldn’t over analyze it like I could with Harry Potter, but it was the first movie that I ever watched the special features of. Most movies I had watched the bloopers or deleted scenes, but never the interviews of featurettes. I became obsessed with featurettes after this movie. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched the featurettes of these movies. Enough to quote 70% of the interviews. After watching the featurettes,I would go back and watch the movie again and see what things I could pick out about how it was filmed or how the battles were choreographed. This initiated my adoration of special features.
In addition to that, Fellowship of the Ring was also one of the first and only movies I actually remember seeing multiple times. My friends and I would go the the discount theater in the mid afternoon and literally watch that movie until they closed (at least twice a weekend for 2 months). I can quote that movie from beginning to end adding the commentary my friends and I did (which we thought was HILARIOUS at the time, but probably just made the other patrons mad) without missing a beat.
What has this fandom given to you?
If you don’t know what this is, check out the intro post here. Feel free to join any time for any of the posts.
I’m so excited for everyone to participate and I can’t wait to see what these fandoms have given you! If you’re participating in the link up, post the link to your post in the link below!
Be sure to follow #12DaysofGeekmas and me (@NerdyAlerty) I’ll be retweeting/reblogging any posts participating!

Thursday and Thrilled: Salt Lake Comic Con Edition
I’m sorry I’ve been a little MIA this week. I blame my excitement for Salt Lake Comic Con starting TODAY!
This is Salt Lake Comic Con’s Third Year and has been growing like crazy each year. This will be my second time attending and I’m VERY excited. This con has had its fair share of growing pains (and then some), but I feel that each year they are trying to get things better and better.
This year I don’t think I’ll be doing any cosplay. It’s going to be a year of photo-ops for me and I don’t want to be in Cosplay for my pictures (I know. It’s a bit lame).
Though just because I won’t be dressing up, doesn’t mean I don’t want some pointers on what to do for Cosplay. Read More
Thursday and Thrilled: Trips to Another Time.
This week’s Thursday and Thrilled is brought to you by Period Dramas. Around this time of year (shortly after my birthday and right before fall really sets in), I get into this kick of watching copious amounts of literature inspired period dramas (or in some cases, webseries based on those pieces of literature). I’m not sure why, but the way they talk, the way they act just puts me in the most agreeable mood.
They’re always so romantic and sweet. I just can’t get enough of cuddling up with my cat (the husband won’t watch them without ensuring that I hear his “funny” commentary) and a cup of peppermint tea. So here are a few of my favorite period dramas* (and inspired by period drama) items this week!
*expect a lot of Jane Austen. #sorrynotsorry
[Be Kind, Rewind] Coyote Ugly
Have you ever had a movie that you remember adoring, then when you watch it again, you find yourself looking at the movie in a completely different light? Well I call this a “Be Kind; Rewind” kind of movie. I enjoy watching movies I haven’t watched in at least a year (usually more) and comparing what I remember of it, to what I thought about it immediately after watching.
Coyote Ugly
Starring: Piper Perabo, Adam Garcia, John Goodman and Maria Bello.
Rating: PG-13
Release Date: August 4th, 2000
Aspiring songwriter Violet Sanford, after getting a job at a women-run NYC bar that teases its male patrons, comes out of her shell. (from IMDB)
Learning to Like Exercise ` PotterRun 2015
The Potter Run, benefiting The Children’s Justice Center, was my second 5k of this year and I was so excited. This is actually the third time this run has been a thing, and my second year participating.

#PotterWeek: Day Three | PotterPonderings

#PotterWeek is a link up the last week of July in honor of Harry Potter’s (and JK Rowling’s) birthdays. Started and hosted by The Common Room, each day has a different theme to explore your history with Harry Potter.
crackpot theories, symbolism, literary analysis
[Be Kind, Rewind] The Prince and Me
Have you ever had a movie that you remember adoring, then when you watch it again, you find yourself looking at the movie in a completely different light? Well I call this a “Be Kind; Rewind” kind of movie. I enjoy watching movies I haven’t watched in at least a year (usually more) and comparing what I remember of it, to what I thought about it immediately after watching. This installment is about “The Prince and Me”
The Prince and Me
Starring: Julia Stiles, Luke Malby and Ben Miller
Rating: PG
Release Date: April 4, 2004
At college Paige meets Eddie, a fellow student from Denmark, whom she first dislikes but later accepts, likes, and loves; he proves to be Crown Prince Edvard. Paige follows him to Copenhagen, and he follows her back to school with a plan. (from IMDB.com)
Learning to Like Exercise` May the 4th be with You 5k
A few months ago, I posted about one of the ways that I have been trying to stay motivated to stay healthy is to participate in Nerd Themed 5ks. This weekend was the first one of the year and I was STOKED!!
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