In 2015 I committed to running in four 5ks. While it was more difficult than I care to admit, I’m very glad I did. I ended the year with an 88 mile run (over the course of 2+ months), and felt like I was on top of the world. Of course then the holidays sank in and now I’m dreading my first race of the year.
I am not a runner. I am trying to be a runner (sort of), and Geek’d Out Events is one of the ways I’ve been doing so. They host nerd themed 5ks throughout the year all benefiting AMAZING causes.
In 2015 I participated in a Star Wars 5k benefiting Adoption Exchange, Harry Potter 5k benefiting The Children’s Justice Center, Doctor Who 5k benefiting American Childhood Cancer Association , a qualifying Video Game 5k, and then a Back to the Future 88-miler benefiting the Michael J. Fox foundation. I benefit greatly from living in the state where the 5ks are hosted. Those that don’t have that benefit, Geek’d Out still has your back. GOE does a great job of organizing virtual races for the 5ks, so that anyone who wants to participate can do so on their own time in their own town and still get the amazing medals.

In 2016, GOE is planning on doing SIX 5ks through out the year, but keeping the themes pretty under wraps. One of the races will be Harry Potter themed (this year is RAVENCLAW), but the rest are a mystery.
Speaking of mysteries, GOE just announced that the first race of the year:
The race is a virtual run as a 22.1 miler (as in 221 B Baker Street), called Baker Street Bound. In addition to getting a killer medal out of it, it benefits an amazing cause, Badges Supporting Fallen Officers Families (Fallen). Additonally, GOE has also organized a mystery to solve while running. Reaching certain milestones gives you clues to a mystery, anyone that participates and helps solve the case is entered to win a Blu-Ray gift set of the seasons of Sherlock.
Honestly, GOE has exceeded all of my expectations with every race. GOE is very well organized and chooses awesome groups to benefit. With every race, they get better and better. If you’re looking for a fun way to work out (a bit) and also benefit great causes look no further.
Sound like something you want to follow? Tune into Geek’d Out Events on the interwebs:
Geek’d Out Events on Facebook
Geek’d Out Running Club on Facebook
Geek’d Out Runners Group on Facebook
Geek’d Out Events on Twitter