My third run of the year was today’s Time Lord Run hosted by Geek’d Out Events and benefiting American Childhood Cancer Association. It’s my third 5k this year.
I am just ever so thankful that my friend agreed to do this run with me. After the Potter Run in August, I knew it would be more and more difficult stay motivated if I ran by myself. While this run didn’t have the turnout that the Potter Run did, I had a lot of fun.
In addition to keeping me company while I did my laps, my friend designed and helped me make the shirts we’re wearing which say “I’ve been running all my lives… through time and space.” Pretty appropriate for a Doctor Who 5k.
With every event I’m more and more impressed with GOE. For this run, at intervals there were cardboard cut out of the main Doctor Who character (which, we just HAD to get selfies with), an amazing Tennant look alike, and a green screen photo booth.
My friend and I did pretty well throughout the race. The first lap was in about 10 minutes but the second and third laps were a little more since we were talking which slowed us down a bit. By our last lap we had decided to run a little bit more and run between taking selfies with Doctor Who cardboard cut outs. This helped shave off a little time, which was good.
Next (and final for the year), Gamer Dash.which is a qualifying race for those that completed all the other races. This is the race I’ll be sporting my Lakitu costume! Should be great fun! As always, If you’re not in the Salt Lake City/Utah area, don’t worry! Geek’d Out Events also has a Virtual pass that you can buy to still get the medal, shirt and bib. You just do your run in your own neighborhood on your own time!
What are some ways you stay motivated to exercise? I’m in need of some help!