I was lucky enough to be included in the Geek Girl Bloggers Secret Santa this year. This group is filled with amazing women who write about awesome things. The exchange was organized by Danielle @ From Girlie to Nerdy (who did an AMAZING job) and we all tried to make sure that our gifts were received last week so we could all write up a post today.
I got mine a week or so ago and I could not be happier. During the winter I like to drink a lot of tea/hot cocoa/coffee and now I can do so in true nerd style with my disappearing TARDIS mug. I don’t know who my Santa was (she wanted to keep it a secret), but I love it! The TARDIS is on one side before you pour in hot liquid, then when you pour in your drink it moves to the other side! I LOVE IT! <3
Thank you SANTA!!!
You can see the other links on Danielle’s page