I’m sorry I’ve been a little MIA this week. I blame my excitement for Salt Lake Comic Con starting TODAY!
This is Salt Lake Comic Con’s Third Year and has been growing like crazy each year. This will be my second time attending and I’m VERY excited. This con has had its fair share of growing pains (and then some), but I feel that each year they are trying to get things better and better.
This year I don’t think I’ll be doing any cosplay. It’s going to be a year of photo-ops for me and I don’t want to be in Cosplay for my pictures (I know. It’s a bit lame).
Though just because I won’t be dressing up, doesn’t mean I don’t want some pointers on what to do for Cosplay.
Writing Advice: The Good, the Bad and the Very Ugly
As a writer (or want to be writer) I like to get all the advice I can on how to be a better writer. This is the first panel of the convention so I’ll be wide awake and excited!
There are a handful of Cosplay classes throughout the whole con, as well as Cosplay meet ups which should be a lot of fun. Salt Lake is trying to break the Guinness World Record for Largest Gathering of Comic Book Characters. That should be a lot of fun to witness.
Con Man Sneak Peek
With Felicia Day, Sean Astin and Alan Tudyk (via Skype) attending the con, there will be a sneak peak into the Con Man webseries! When this was announced a while ago, I could barely contain my excitement. Now I’m just ecstatic that I may get a preview!
Comic Con After Dark: Ladies Edition
I’m not exactly sure what this is, but I curious enough to go!
Salt Lake had managed to get some truely amazing guests!

Felicia Day
The queen of nerdom herself will be visiting for the second time. I’m so excited to meet her (even if only for like 10 seconds). I don’t quite know if I’ll be able to form words.

John Barrowman
I really love that John likes to reprise his visits to conventions and from every photo op I’ve ever seen him do with someone, he really enjoys being able to visit with the fans. I really hope he sings at his panel again (he did this last time he was here).

Cast of Winter Solider
Chris Evans, Anthony Mackie, and Sebastian Stan will all be making an appearance at the convention. I am seriously at a loss for words with this. Chris and Anthony will be sharing a panel (because… why not!) but to get in is being chosen by a lottery, so the likelihood of me seeing it is minimal. Sebastian will only be here Friday, so his spotlight will be done solo… or will it (I don’t actually know, but they tend to have a lot of surprise guests).

Hayley Atwell
I put her separate because I am actually the most excited for her and Felicia. I really admire both of them not only as actresses but as women. I adore how they interact with their fans and I’m just excited to be in the same vicinity as them.

The Hillywood Show Live!
This show makes me laugh. It’ll be really fun to be in the audience during the filming/recording of it!

Neon Trees
What the have to do with Comic Con, I’m not sure. But they are a Utah based band and I’m excited to see them perform.
There are a lot of things I’ll be doing that aren’t included on this post (because then it would be FOREVER long) so to keep them organized, I made a little print out that I can write when things are. I thought I’d share it with you in case you’re in need of a handheld way to keep track of which panels are at what time (and the app for your convention [if there is one] isn’t available on your phone *cough*Windows Phone*cough*).

I’ll be posting my adventures from this con on Instagram and Twitter so be sure to follow me there to keep up with my excitement!!
What are some things you’re excited for this week? Suggest a comic for me to be reading while I’m in line for my panels this weekend!