The Potter Run, benefiting The Children’s Justice Center, was my second 5k of this year and I was so excited. This is actually the third time this run has been a thing, and my second year participating.

I’m so happy I chose to sign up for these runs with Geek’d Out Running Club ahead of time, because apparently, this run SOLD OUT! I have never heard of a 5k selling out but once I got there, it was pretty clear as to why. Geek’d Out Events does a really amazing job with these 5ks. Not only was everything about the 5k Potter themed, they also had the local Harry Potter Alliance present, local Quidditch teams to show you how to play Quidditch, live owls, Harry Potter “Happee Birthdae” cake, and even A FORD ANGELINA! I’m more and more impressed with GOE with every run I do (I didn’t get pictures because I just wanted to go home afterward and sleep). People came dressed up and I admire those who do. I certainly didn’t want to run in a full on dementor robe or in a hogwarts uniform. To those that did, you’re amazing!
Last year to help me stay motivated for the run before it arrived I had created a HP themed work out shirt. It has a bleached out lightning bolt on the front and a snitch on the back. I wanted to revamp it a little, and when I posed questions to some friends about what I could do, the ever amazing Christa of ObsessedGirlFan piped up with doing a “Snitch, Please” (you gotta say it with attitude otherwise it doesn’t make sense) shirt. Instead of designing a whole new shirt, I just painted the words over the snitch on the back and added a red bow.
This run was at the same park that the May the 4th Be With You 5k had been at, so knowing exactly how many laps would be a 5k was nice. However this race I didn’t really have anyone doing it with me. I knew that would be my biggest challenge because it meant I had to keep myself motivated throughout the whole run. I had created a playlist for myself that was about an hour long so I knew that it would last long enough for me to finish the race.
I did pretty well for the first lap or two, but as I started my third lap I was feeling terrible. I wanted to just go find my husband and call it a day. It was hot and I was DONE! I have been really REALLY bad with keeping up on exercise and only just last week did we move the elliptical out of it’s cage in the garage so I can start using that again. I was running out of motivation and energy to continue. As I got the to archway to begin my final lap (or quit, I couldn’t decide) I looked at the time that was on the clock which read about 36 minutes. As much as I wanted to quit, I wanted to see if I could beat my time from May (48 minutes). Maybe it’s the Gryffindor in me, but I knew I could do better. Pushing forward I took a deep breath and kept going. On the final lap I made a friend that commented on my shirt and ran/walked with her. These runs really are a LOT easier with someone else.

I passed the finish line at 46 minutes, knocking two minutes off my time from before and collapsed on the ground in exhaustion and pride. It wasn’t as much as I had knocked off in May, but I was still proud. Any improvement was welcome. That also meant that I did about a 15 minute mile, which really isn’t terrible. The medal is pretty cool this year and I’m really excited because they announced that for the next three years they’re going to do a medal for all the different houses! So, being the Pokemon Collector I am, I gotta catch them all!

These runs have been so much fun (after the fact, usually during I want to die), and are so well organized. Next up, Time Lord Run | Benefiting The American Childhood Cancer Organization! If you’re not in the Salt Lake City/Utah area, don’t worry! Geek’d Out Events also has a Virtual pass that you can buy to still get the medal, shirt and bib. You just do your run in your own neighborhood on your own time!
Do you have any fun exercise tips? I’m always looking for more!