#PotterWeek is a link up the last week of July in honor of Harry Potter’s (and JK Rowling’s) birthdays. Started and hosted by The Common Room, each day has a different theme to explore your history with Harry Potter.
Pottermore vs your own prediction
(first, a bit of this was recycled from my post that I wrote on my OOOOOOLD blog which you can read here)
When I was first sorted via Pottermore I had a lot of feelings about it. Pottermore gave me a serious identity crisis. Before Pottermore in every sorting quiz I took I was sorted into Hufflepuff. I liked being a Hufflepuff, it suited me. But then Pottermore had to come in and mess with my head.
When I first read the books, I didn’t really sort myself into a house. I just followed Harry on his journey as a Gryffindor. It wasn’t really until I was further on in the books that I really started thinking about what house I was most like. When I re-read the Sorting Hat’s song, one house stood out to me as the house that I would want to be in.
You might belong in Hufflepuff,
Where they are just and loyal,
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true
And unafraid of toil;
This house, seemed like me. Though it is the one house that really doesn’t get mentioned very much, aside from a few students, it was the house that I identified with most. So taking the Sorting Hat quiz, designed by JK Rowling herself, was intimidating. Luckily, JK gives you a little pep talk before you try on the hat, which helps a bit. Only a bit. I thought, FOR SURE, that if for some unknown reason I wasn’t in Hufflepuff…. I’d be a Ravenclaw. My last question on the quiz, was “Heads or Tails?”, WHAT THE HECK KIND OF A QUESTION IS THAT?!?!?
During the Pottermore sorting I took a video of my sorting and if Youtube hadn’t have deleted/hidden it, I would post it. The screen went black and I gasped, as my screen went from the Pottermore colors, to SCARLET AND GOLD. That’s right, this girl right here got sorted into GRYFFINDOR! How that happened, I have no idea. I was confused with the choice when my screen changed color. I stared at it for a good few minutes just trying to think how I could possibly be considered brave or daring. The girl that has to be forced through a door that she didn’t even know was open. The girl who spends her weekends on the internet or watching copious amounts of TV.
Since this sorting I’ve come to terms with it, even embraced it. But I still classify myself as a GryffinPuff. I think everyone has a piece of every house in them.
What was your experience with the Pottermore sorting?
If you’d like to participate check out the orginal post and follow it on social media.
The prompts for the rest of the week are as follows.
July 25th– PotterVerse (origins, meanings, anything language based)
July 26th– PotterPeeps (characters)
July 27th– PotterPonderings (crackpot theories, symbolism, literary analysis)
July 28th– PotterHouse (Pottermore vs your own prediction)
July 29th– PotterParks (experiences, wishlist, more)
July 30th– Potter Powers (spells, charms, races)
July 31st– PotterPotpourri (any posts that don’t fit the other topics.)