What the frak is Geek Girl Brunch?
Geek Girl Brunch is an organization started in New York City where a group of fantastic ladies decided to get together for brunch to talk about all things geek. This simple idea has launched chapters all over the WORLD (for real! There are chapters all over!) for other ladies to gather for drinks, brunch and a safe and fun space to discuss geeky and girly things.
Not only do I think that this is an amazing group for geek girls to get to know other geek girls, and I also think that everyone should look into to see if there is an active chapter near them, but finally, I recently volunteered as one of the officers for the Salt Lake City chapter! Me and two other amazing ladies are working on getting everything ready for our chapter launch.
If you’re in the Salt Lake City area please go here and join (even if you’re not, go there to find your local chapter!). You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Things are still getting off the ground for it, so there isn’t a ton of activity, but it’s going to be the best place for new information. For those not in my area, any signal boosting you can do to help us find more members is greatly appreciated! It’ll give you all sorts of good karma!