Every year I make a list of all the shows that are returning and when. Well, this year it’s getting pretty extensive.
I’m always really excited for new shows to premiere and my favorite shows to return. This year it looks like some pretty awesome shows are going to be making their way to my screen.
Returning Shows:
Sept 19th: Doctor Who | BBC
Twelve has been growing on me. But, I’m not gonna lie, as much as I love Clara, I’m ready for a new companion. :/
Sept 21st: Big Bang Theory | CBS
Sept 21st: Castle | ABC
Castle is a staple in my TV list, I blame Nathan Fillion and his adorable face.
Sept 27th: Once Upon a Time | ABC
Two words: Dark. Swan.
Sept 27th: Brooklyn Nine-Nine | FOX
This show never fails to make me smile. I adore it. The cast is phenomenal.
Sept 27th: Last Man On Earth | FOX
Will Forte is a gem and so awesome!
Sept 29th: Agents of SHIELD | ABC
Bring on more INHUMANS!!! Also, where the frak is Jemma?!?!?!
Oct 1st: Sleepy Hollow | FOX
The Bones cross-over should be interesting.
Oct 6th: The Flash | CW
Barry and Co have had a hard time last season, but I’m stoked to see what craziness they get into this year.
Oct 6th: iZombie | CW
I got addicted to this show pretty quickly over a weekend. It gives me serious Veronica Mars flashbacks (which makes sense because Rob Thomas is it’s creator).
Oct 7th: Arrow | CW
Olicity happened and everything is awesome. I’m excited to see who they bring in next. Also the crossover episodes with The Flash.
Oct 7th: Supernatural | CW
The darkness is coming and it’s going to be terrifying. As sad as I am about the loss of a beloved character from last season, I feel like in the end they started moving back to the series that we loved in the first place.
Oct 8th: Haven | SyFy
Dear SyFy: I’m really tired of the whole “5th season split over two years” thing you do. That being said, I’m stoked for the show to come back.
Oct 9th: Undateable | NBC
Well… this is just a guilty pleasure.
Oct 12th: Jane the Virgin | CW
Another surprise from last year (I’m actually pretty impressed with the awesomeness of CW shows recently), dramatic, funny and crazy. SO GOOD!!!
New Shows:
There aren’t as many on this list as I originally anticipated.
Sept 15th: Best Time Ever with Neil Patrick Harris | NBC
A variety show hosted by NPH. I’M IN!!!
Sept 21st: Blindspot | NBC
Jaimie Alexander is in this and it looks bad ass!
Sept 24th: Heroes Reborn | NBC
After finishing my Heroes rewatch, I’m interested in seeing what this show is actually going to do with this addition.
Sept 27th: Blood & Oil | ABC
No lie, the only reason I’m interested in this show is because of Scott Michael Foster’s Instagram. It’s filmed in a city in my state and that means I need to watch it.
Oct 26th: Supergirl | CBS
I still haven’t watched the leaked pilot, but I’ve heard some pretty good things about it.
Oct 31st: Ash vs. Evil Dead | Starz
Oh Bruce Campbell… I haven’t seen the movies yet, but I plan on watching them before the show premieres.
Weekly Breakdown
It’s a pretty full docket.
Blood & Oil | ABC | Premiering: Sept 27th
Brooklyn Nine-Nine | FOX | Premiering: Sept 27th
Last Man on Earth | FOX | Premiering: Sept 27th
Once Upon a Time | ABC | Premiering: Sept 27th
Blindspot | NBC | Premiering: Sept 21st
Castle | ABC | Premiering: Sept 21st
Jane the Virgin | CW | Premiering: Oct 12th
Supergirl | CBS | Premiering: Oct 26th
Agents of SHIELD | ABC | Premiering: Sept 29th
Best Time Ever with Neil Patrick Harris | NBC | Premiering: Sept 15th
The Flash | CW | Premiering: Oct 6th
iZombie | CW | Premiering: Oct 6th
Arrow | CW | Premiering: Oct 7th
Supernatural | CW | Premiering: Oct 7th
Big Bang Theory | CBS | Premiering: (Monday) Sept 21st
Haven | SyFy | Premiering: Oct 8th
Heroes Reborn | NBC | Premiering: Sept 24th
Sleepy Hollow | FOX | Premiering: Oct 1st
Undateable | NBC | Premiering: Oct 9th
Ash vs. The Evil Dead | Starz | Premiering: Oct 31st
Doctor Who | BBC | Premiering: Sept 19th
What shows are you excited for this fall?