I Resolve Here and Now [2018 Resolutions]

Do I realize that it’s February and I’m just barely posting what I resolve to do this year? Yes.
But better late than never.

I Resolve
Here and Now

While the song “I Resolve” from She Loves Me doesn’t EXACTLY pertain to my resolutions this year. Anytime I find a topic that I can use a broadway song for, I usually want to use it. For 2018, I did try to make some new resolutions and goals. Some are stretch goals, while others are a little bit more attainable.
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Realistic Resolutions

Reading: Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns)
Watching: 30 Rock` Season 2
Listening To: Skyway Flyer by Jason Munday

With the new year comes new years resolutions. Every year I make resolutions, and every year I fail to attain them because I think I make them too grandiose. I know deep down that I have yet to gain the self control needed to lose 40 pounds and stop drinking soda, so I justify it saying that everyone breaks their new years resolutions.

This year however, I want to create some realistic resolutions. It’s only going to be a few, so that I don’t feel overwhelmed, and I’ll actually believe that I can attain it.

Realistic Resolutions Read More